Your spot for marketing strategy and business coaching. I'm here to help you create a thriving business and a joy-filled life! Grab a glass of sweet tea and join me on my virtual front porch!
On this final Special Edition Flourish episode, I interview my friend Jessica Turner, a fellow multi-passionate and multi-faceted businesswoman. While working full time in healthcare doing corporate marketing, she has found the time to write multiple books and run a lifestyle blog, The Mom Creative, for busy moms. In this interview, she explains the joy and fulfillment that comes from keeping her full time job, despite success from her blog and books. She also discusses the unique challenges to self-publishing and marketing her husband’s children’s books, as well as her own books.
In this Special Edition Flourish episode, we chat about Tiffany’s recent move from Washington D.C. to LA and how that has affected her life and her brand. Tiffany also shares with me her best tips about marketing, what has worked for her and what has not in her business, as well as the need to understand and acknowledge your worth.
Are you ready to make 2019 your best year yet?! Inspired by my Sweet Life Sisters who are building their dream lives, today, I’m sharing a few things that may be holding you back from reaching your goals.
The other week I was on my good friend (over 10 years now!) and master of task lists, Kristin Kaplan’s podcast – Planning for Profit. We had a wonderful and inspiring conversation about our long journey in the entrepreneurial world and how to create a business that you truly enjoy and that fits into your life.
I have worked with this special guest and friend for a few years now as her marketing director and it was a pleasure to speak with her in this Special Edition Episode. Lara Casey is the CEO of Cultivate What Matters (maker of one of my favorite tools, the PowerSheets goal planner). During our interview, Lara discusses her brands greatests strength, a few marketing wins, and what she plans to work on in the year to come. As a mompreneur, she shares some of her best advice to those starting out on their journey.
In this Special Edition episode, I interview Shunta Grant, creator and owner of Because of Zoe Designs, which designs handcrafted hair bows using premium fabrics. This attorney turned mompreneur shares with me her most successful marketing tactic (hint, a little teasing can go a long way) and how she exchanged a living for a life.
I interviewed Kathy Romero, the founder of Kathy Romero Weddings and Events, a small company that does impressive work all over the world! Kathy shared with me her marketing wins from the past year, plans for the future, and a misstep along the way to her success (never underestimate the need for space in your work schedule).
In this Special Edition episode, I interview Lindsay Teague Moreno, a serial entrepreneur and published author. We dive into her journey from a photographer to a multi-talented Jack Jill-of-all trades, who is making entrepreneurship a viable option for moms who want to share their talents and gifts with the world.