Amber Housley Creative Business Coach

Amber Housley Website
Friends, it’s *finally* time to toast to a project that is years in the making!
It’s hard to believe, but this labor of love started more than two years ago. Of course, the story goes back even farther than that, so grab a glass of your favorite drink and enjoy this pretty walk through memory lane…there’s even a fun celebration giveaway at the end of this post!

In 2011, I worked with now close friends Lara Casey and Emily Ley of Making Brands Happen, to take my Sweet Life Designs (invitation company) to Amber Housley (lifestyle brand). My online home, designed by another dear friend, Cathy Olson, was perfect for attracting new brides, young moms looking for stylish party invitations, and equipping others with entertaining ideas:
It served me well for a very long time! This was one of the first big investments in my business and had a huge payoff in growing it.
For three years, I’d like to say my business grew beyond my expectations. But truthfully, I knew it was going to grow.
I’m one of the most driven and optimistic people you can meet.
However, how it would grow and change wasn’t exactly how I pictured…
After the birth of my daughter in 2013, I decided to start placing a larger emphasis in my wedding work and attracting Southern brides, so in the summer of 2014, I reached out to the talented Angela Mondloch of Saffron Avenue to create a new logo design and overall brand update. She designed this gorgeous brand for me:

The peach, the corals, the watercolor florals and stripes! It was all so gorgeous!
Sadly, it never saw the big public celebration it deserved. While I would make some small updates here and there to accommodate the pretty new design elements, I was in need of a serious overhaul of this online home (hello responsive design!), and something told me to hang on from committing to moving forward with it.
Fast forward a few months later, and my business underwent some massive changes. Namely, the hard decision to end my chapter in the wedding industry as a wedding planner and designer.
As all things can happen in time, my business, career and life continued to evolve and change. So, I waited patiently for the cards to fall into place while thinking:
What would this new home look like? What can I give to help others grow? Who would I serve best?
The game plan changed and evolved often over the last year, until it kept settling back to where it has always been:
inspiration for creative living.
To inspire others infuse creative into all areas of their life: in their home, their family, their workplace, their business.
Not to mention, I’m a cheerleader at heart, and have a sweet spot for helping other creative business ‘mampreneurs’. This new home would encompass all of this mission.
A mason jar cocktail of savvy business strategy and sweet Southern living, if you will.
Serendipitously late one night a few months ago, I was surfing on Pinterest, and I came across some pins that I traced back to Meg of Meg Long Creative. It was a perfect match for the design aesthetic I was looking for! We hit it off right away.
Together, we refreshed the brand once again, but this time keeping the main logo and submark elements (that I truly believe will stand the test of time), and we built this new gorgeous online “porch” for me:

Amber Housley Creative Business & Lifestyle Brand
Still pretty and polished with a hint of southern sophistication! Approachable, friendly and cheerful — just like me! My online porch where you can get to know me more and about what I do (so many things!!), but most importantly, how I can help you in your journey as a creative business owner, mom, career-gal, or all three combined. I am so in love with this place and hope you like it, too!
There are lots of goodies all over the site and so many more great resources I have to share. Like any new home, there is a settling in period as I get some old categories organized and things looking neat and tidy around here.
Celebration Giveaway
To celebrate, I have a huge gift box of goodies from some of my favorite creative business brands and friends. Think planner, journal, inspiring coffee mug and more! I’d love to gift it to one of you! Just leave a comment below letting me know your favorite part of the new site and you’ll be entered to win.
** GIVEAWAY CLOSED / WINNER SELECTED: Congrats to Bianca Hammond for the random winner of the giveaway! ** Feel free to still leave a comment if you’d like to share your feedback about what you love on the new site. I’m grateful for all your kind comments! – Amber
Thanks again to all the friends and family who have played a part in my entrepreneurial journey for the last decade. It keeps getting sweeter!
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Your new site is just gorgeous! Bright, clean, and fun. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I’m inspired by your journey!
I love your patterns and absolutely LOVE your new icons! This looks like a fun place to hangout. Congratulations!
Congratulations on the launch of your refreshed brand and new website! As a Southern girl myself, I love the way you refer to it as your “front porch”! The overall design is sweet, chic and cozy — very inviting and makes me want to hang around and look at everything! From the submark and tag line to the way you have consistently branded is amazing! Best wishes!
Every single bit of it is so you! Congrats, lovely 🙂
The new site is gorgeous, Amber! I love how you’re able to encompass all of your sub-brands and experiences all in one place. It looks great!
It looks great, Amber! I love how everything is so organized and bright, so easy to navigate! I especially love the mix of fonts, they pair so well together with your color palette! <3
I love the inspiration photos and the cute little icons. So much happy! 🙂
So lovely Amber, I loved it instantly. Draws me in. Congrats on your launch!
Oh my goodness. Everything just looks so beautiful. Like watermelon lemonade. haha
I love the new site! It has my wheels spinning….I want to make a change in my professional life, but to what I just don’t know yet…..
I was inspired by the mission you have
Congratulations, Amber! It is SO beautiful and I can see the heart and intention in every page. While at first I thought my favorite part was all of the big pictures, I have to say the “Free Lemonade” page hit the top! I love that you’re so willing to share all your knowledge and successes.
I love the new crisp colors, your mission, and “front porch style”. So excited to see where this takes you! 🙂
This is spectacular! I am in love with every nook and cranny of this site 🙂
Yay! My favorite part is your dedication and enthusiasm for this venture. A happy, driven, and positive mind can only lead to success 🙂 Congratulations!!
Amber, this new website design is SO you! I’m loving the bright colors and can’t wait to see what’s next for you! Xo!
The whole site is just so beautiful! I especially love your ‘What I Do’ page. Can’t wait to see what you share in your new space!
Drooling over the new design! I’m working on launching my first ever business website and I know how nerve wrecking it is trying to decide on colors/fonts/etc. My favorite part of the new site is the “Free Lemonade” page with all of those amazing resources! I know I’ll be checking back constantly as I get my new business up and running!
Love the new website, colors and patterns. As a professional turned SAHM starting to think about next chapter that will still allow me to be there for my children. Thanks for all your inspiration!
I love that you kept your main logo the same (so classy!), but updated the feel of the site overall. Just lovely!
It’s beautiful!! Love your little social media flag at the top!!
Redesign looks great! Very thoughtful.
I love it, Amber! My favorite part is probably the flow of your What I Do tab and I’m so excited that you’ve included your business consulting into your services! Looking forward to learning more about that! Congratulations!
I love the color scheme and how warm, welcoming and crisp it is! The whole redesign as thoughtfully well done!
I love how clean and easy the site is to browse through!
Love, love the icons! The mason jar icon is adorable. Congrats!!
Absolutely in LOVE with your color palette and logo! Can’t wait to check out the whole site…
I love your logo, it is great that you kept it as it was. And the colors and patterns are so beautiful. I think they really resemble you. Congratulations on your new site!!
Wonderful site…congratulations! By far Free Lemonade is my favorite part! That and your brand colors…they are awesome!
I love the beautiful colors on your new site?
I Iove is the overall look of the site. It’s gorgeous. But my favorite part is the serious knowledge that you make available!
Love the warm and cheerful colors. It has southern charm and great flow.. Great pictures as well. Very happy for you!
Congratulations on the new site Amber! I love the missions page! So pretty and inspiring!
Looks lovely, congrats 🙂
My favorite part of the site is the Free Lemonade section – fun way to brand your info/links page. Also love the initial logo – so pretty!
I love the new site! The color scheme and Free Lemonade section are my favorites!
I love the monogram but my favorite part of your website is “What I do”. It gives people an idea of why they should come to the site and what you offer. The new site is beautiful.
Thanks so much Bianca! You are the winner of the giveaway! Please go ahead and email me at hello@amberhousley.com with your mailing address and we’ll get your goodie package out to you this week! Warmly,Amber
Hi Amber, just checking to see if you had recieved my email. Thanks!
My absolute favorite part is your “Free Lemonade” page! I love that it encompasses you, your business, and your interests. Love!
I love the new website… its so “refreshing!” My favorite page is the “WHAT I DO” and my favorite feature is when you scroll down the pages and the header auto-collapses =D
Love it!! So far my favorite part is the look of the website, so beautiful and fun and I love the logo:)
What a beautiful site, Amber! While I may not personally know you, I feel as if you are a familiar friend. Everything about your site is warm and inviting and appears to be a complete extension of you. You’ve perfectly captured the feel of a southern front porch. Thanks for inviting each of us to stop by and sit for a while! Congratulations on a beautiful launch!
Love Love the color scheme! And you have such a beautiful logo!