There are dreams and plans we have planted that need nourishment now to bloom later!
Happy Mid-January! Last week we were gifted with snow in Nashville and it was absolutely gorgeous! As I watched each snowflake fall, I was mesmerized by how lovely and quiet it was as ice crystals softly drifted to the ground.
Isn't it amazing to think in the stillness of the winter, the ground is still being nurtured? Even though we can't see them yet, the bulbs that were planted in the fall are being nourished by the water - each snowflake landing on the ground is a small deposit for the growth of delightful blooms to come in the spring!
Much like the tubers are being taken care of in the darkness of the soil, there are dreams and plans we have planted that we need to nourish now in order for them to grow into fruition later.
What kinds of plans are you tending to now that are going to yield an amazing event later this year?
Have you had time to disconnect from the day-to-day to clarify what's needed for your future retreats to flourish?
Sometimes the slowness of January is the perfect month to do some of the best dreaming, planning and organizing for your events.
As you dig into this post, keep in mind I have so many resources available to help you take advantage of this season for your future success!
It thrills me to think this could be your year to make those retreat dreams come true!

Retreat Spotlight
Let's celebrate our Invite & Delight program students, the beautiful, Wendy Conklin and Sara McDaniel from the Pink Creatives! They hosted the Pink Creatives Retreat last spring. It was such a success they are back at it again this year! Here's what they shared about their event:
"Amber's help in bringing our P. I. N. K. Creatives Retreat to life was amazing and made our retreat go so smooth."
"The participants were highly engaged and everybody really loved it. In fact, they were begging us to do a part two retreat! If you have not thought about doing a retreat for your business, you should! It is so meaningful, affirming, and wonderful to see how you can help other people. Thank you, Amber, for your guidance. I really was not exhausted by having to do the retreat at all but instead found it really fun and exciting. We can't wait to do it again!"

Helpful Insider Expert Tip: Feedback Matters

On the Bloom & Grow Show Podcast
I recently sat down with the lovely Jessica McIntosh, my personal event photographer, to talk all about Capturing Retreat Magic. Jessica is a branding, portrait and a retreat photographer with over 15 years of experience capturing the most beautiful moments when women finally invest in themselves.
Check out Episode 136: Capturing Retreat Magic with Jessica McIntosh
Highlights Include:
🌺 How to build a retreat team, including a photographer, to best support you and your attendees.
🌺 Infuse personality into your retreat! Bring in people who can model proactive behavior and help everyone feel comfortable.
🌺 Communication is key! Consider the best tools to communicate with your team and attendees throughout the event.

Retreat Resources
The winter season is a time of slowing down and resting. Are you finding some quiet pockets of time this month to dream into the new year? Are you craving a clear vision and roadmap as well as new tools and resources to help you flourish?
If you are ready to radiate as your best self and the head of your retreat business in 2024, the Illuminate Winter Virtual Retreat is for you! Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or a new CEO, this is the perfect way to refresh, recharge and take inspired action in this season!
The retreat kit is full of surprises and arrives directly to your doorstep. Set aside three hours and cozy up to hot cocoa, the workbook and all the other goodies inside the kit while you watch the replay and gain clarity for this next season!

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