Your spot for marketing strategy and business coaching. I'm here to help you create a thriving business and a joy-filled life! Grab a glass of sweet tea and join me on my virtual front porch!
Video content is all the rage right now and definitely something you want to consider adding to your marketing mix-up in the next few months!
Keep reading for a few important tips for creating live video content:
Learn the two mistakes business owners are making right now in marketing and celebrating the wins of their businesses.
Back in January, I had the opportunity to be on the All up in Your Lady Business podcast.
Warning: The mere reference of “marketing plan” in conversation with fellow entrepreneurs can give blank expressions, nervous giggles, and a half dozen excuses of why we don’t have one. I’m with you, girl.
There’s a lot of noise today out in the internet and social media about everything we feel we have to be doing as entrepreneurs. There’s email newsletters and Instagram and Pinterest and SEO and #allthethings. It can be so confusing and overwhelming and, worst of all, distracting!