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WELCOME TO THE amber housley blog!

Your spot for marketing strategy and business coaching. I'm here to help you create a thriving business and a joy-filled life!  Grab a glass of sweet tea and join me on my virtual front porch!

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I'm amber housley!

I help overwhelmed women like you grow your audience and business with a marketing strategy that converts, but not at the expense of your family time. My mission is to truly help you live your best life — in both business and at home — with confidence and clarity. 

I've built 3 six-figure businesses, all while raising two children under six. 

I've helped clients produce $5 million+ through my sales strategies.

I'm passionate about continued learning, entrepreneurship, and raising women to new heights. 

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Inspired Retreat




work with Amber

Blooming Business Inner Circle

Coterie Mastermind

Inspired Retreat

Flourish Marketing PLAN Workshop

a podcast to help women build thriving business and joy-filled lives

Retreats & Live Events

Introducing… the Brand New AmberHousley.com! [Plus, A Giveaway!]




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This has been one of my favorite, most exciting little secrets that I’ve had to keep up my sleeve for the last 9 months. But it’s finally here because...

We have a gorgeous new home for AmberHousley.com!

But before we get to the celebration, I have to tell you something...

My website wasn’t always so polished and fancy… in fact, I DIY’d my early websites, getting lost in the code and googling for hours upon hours and pulling my hair out when I couldn’t get it exactly how I saw it in my head.

Do you ever feel like you’re piecing together band-aids on different parts of your business? 🙋🏻

I mean, you have the best of intentions, but everything can’t be a priority at every given moment.

My website was like that for some time.

For the last 2 years, the website was a bit of a disjointed experience at times, BUT I still believe the imperfection was worth it.

Why? Well, I believe whole-heartedly in the power of websites and how they can grow your leads and your bottom line.

After all, you need an established online presence (even if it’s just a one-pager website!) to build trust and credibility with the customers you serve.

But you don’t need to hold yourself back waiting for perfection.

Your vision and your dreams that you see when you close your eyes needs imperfect action and imperfect progress.

Even if it’s a temporary bandage until you get to something you *really want*. 😉😉😉

It was a joy to partner with web design Elizabeth McCravy (a client and alum from my Coterie Mastermind program!) on designing and developing this custom and content-rich multimedia experience that serves as my ‘online front porch’ to welcome new sisters to our Sweet Life Sisterhood.

Now here comes the party…🎉🎉🎉

There are so many things I love in this world but let me tell you one of my favorites: giveaways!

I bet you’re wondering why I love giveaways so much, but it’s so simple. 

I LOVE sharing some of my most favorite things with you…just because! Who doesn’t love free things?

I am giddy with excitement as I announce I’ll be launching my *BRAND NEW WEBSITE* and to celebrate, I’m throwing a massive party…giveaway style!

I have invited some of my favorite people to be a part and that means you get to experience the fun from even more friends you may not yet know, but totally need to!

Amber Housley - New Website by Elizabeth McCravy

Which is why I’m offering to my GRAND PRIZE winner:

BUT…. The party won’t stop there of course! 


You know how I invited some of my favorite people to help me with this exciting giveaway?


More lucky winners will get to be the recipients of these fun prizes:

Amber Housley Giveaway

We’ve been working behind the scenes since January to bring you this all-new Amber Housley experience and I’m so excited for all that is here for you to discover.


Peek around and find The Bloom & Grow Show podcast or a new wallpaper for your phone. Learn more about my Blooming Business Inner Circle program or the Coterie Mastermind (applications for our 2019/2020 program experience opening again in a few weeks!).


Ok friend, are you ready to get growing with me?


If you can’t wait any longer, you can join the fun right here and enter my giveaway before it closes next week. Be sure and share with all your business besties for more chances to win:  

Explore more categories:  Business, Personal

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find what ya need

I'm amber housley!

I help overwhelmed women like you grow your audience and business with a marketing strategy that converts, but not at the expense of your family time. My mission is to truly help you live your best life — in both business and at home — with confidence and clarity. 

I've built 3 six-figure businesses, all while raising two children under six. 

I've helped clients produce $5 million+ through my sales strategies.

I'm passionate about continued learning, entrepreneurship, and raising women to new heights. 

learn more

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Inspired Retreat




work with Amber

Blooming Business Inner Circle

Coterie Mastermind

Inspired Retreat

Flourish Marketing PLAN Workshop

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