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Your spot for marketing strategy and business coaching. I'm here to help you create a thriving business and a joy-filled life!  Grab a glass of sweet tea and join me on my virtual front porch!

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I'm amber housley!

I help overwhelmed women like you grow your audience and business with a marketing strategy that converts, but not at the expense of your family time. My mission is to truly help you live your best life — in both business and at home — with confidence and clarity. 

I've built 3 six-figure businesses, all while raising two children under six. 

I've helped clients produce $5 million+ through my sales strategies.

I'm passionate about continued learning, entrepreneurship, and raising women to new heights. 

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Planting Seeds to Blooming Boldly: The Progress I’m Making on My Summer Goals!




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There's something magical that happens when you write down goals.

It’s like you begin to subconsciously set into motion those things that you want to see come to fruition. 

If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know I am big on living with intentionality, putting pen to paper for what I want to see happen, and I’m always encouraging you to do the same. In fact, this has become a practice during our seasonal virtual retreats. After doing a lot of digging, dreaming and planning, towards the end of each retreat, we write down our goals and post them somewhere visible to reference often.

So, just the other day I took a glance at my goal card, written at our summer virtual retreat in June and couldn’t believe how much I am killing it! I literally said to myself, “Look at you, Amber, doing these things and you didn't even realize it!” 

I had no idea what kind of progress I would make, planting those seeds early in the summer, but now to see what is blooming is surprisingly delightful! 

Speaking of delight, that is my word for this season! I have embraced and lived into that season in both life and business and it has been incredible.


The delight I am finding in accomplishing these goals is so fun that I wanted to share my progress with you! Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what goals I set back in June and how they are coming to life!

Goal #1: Commit to Bloom & Grow Live! 

Bloom & Grow Live is our in-person event happening in September and I knew it was time to show up to start working to make it an unforgettable time! I selected a date when I knew I could bring my best energy ever. And I am showing up, doing the work to get the invitations out there! It’s incredible to see who has signed up to join us, who is going to be in the room for this transformational time of growth and connection. The investment is paying off and I am fired up about it!

Goal #2: Amplify All the Good We Have!

I’ve built so much great content for our community over the last decade and sometimes I tread lightly in sharing it. But the truth is, I have so much to offer - years of experience in marketing - that you can benefit you. And I don’t want to keep that from you! I want to get factual, even a little “braggy” about letting you know of the abundance that is available to you through our resources library. So, I’m sharing more about that for you to benefit from and implement for success in your business.

Goal #3: Finish the Funnels We Started.

We have so many customer journeys out there - places where we welcome people into our virtual doors by way of a landing page, a waitlist, a free resource and then we offer different products or services to meet them at their specific point in the journey. Some of these resources need to be updated or simplified so I am making progress on overseeing that. For instance, we have revamped our Weekly Business + Marketing Planner Notepad to make it more accessible to first-time users and people who want to reorder it over and over. And, I’m most excited about the Blooming Business Inner Circle sales page that we’ve created! It’s finally articulating the experience sisters have!

Goal #4: Don't Hold Back on My Skills and Knowledge.

You may have heard me talk a little bit about this on social media. For a while, I was feeling small - like I was not ready to let people know about my expertise. I stopped accepting podcast interview invitations and opportunities to share. But now I feel ready to stop keeping my wisdom under wraps.

“It’s time to use my voice, it’s time to share my skills, it’s time to share my knowledge.”

Goal #5: Have Guests on The Bloom + Grow Show Podcast.

I am excited to say we have kicked off a new season of the podcast interviewing women who I’ve had the chance to impact and sharing their amazing stories! It’s incredible to hear from them and I’m learning so much, too! I’m learning how to up my podcast game - how to listen and think ahead for the next questions and how to sharpen my skills. It’s exciting to have you on my journey to getting better at this!

Goal #6: Commit to Being Playful.

I'm letting my work be easy; letting it flow. I'm finding delight in the learning, the process, and the progress!

Speaking of finding delight, I would love to hang out with you, either in person or virtually.

Join me at Bloom + Grow Live or at the Invite Abundance Fall Virtual Retreat in September! Let’s write some new goals and live into our success stories in this next season!


Explore more categories:  Business, Marketing

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find what ya need

I'm amber housley!

I help overwhelmed women like you grow your audience and business with a marketing strategy that converts, but not at the expense of your family time. My mission is to truly help you live your best life — in both business and at home — with confidence and clarity. 

I've built 3 six-figure businesses, all while raising two children under six. 

I've helped clients produce $5 million+ through my sales strategies.

I'm passionate about continued learning, entrepreneurship, and raising women to new heights. 

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